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All Blog Posts (66)

An IT Tune-Up Maximizes CPOE Acceleration : Proudly Introducing PatientKeeper to McKesson Social!

Sometimes a high-performing engine gets sluggish. It can be a sign of a serious problem, requiring a complete re-build; or it can simply mean it’s time for a tune-up.

In the world of healthcare IT, the engines that keep hospitals running are hospital information systems (HIS) like McKesson Horizon. When they sputter, frequently it’s related to physician adoption of (and dissatisfaction with) a physician-facing application –…


Added by Don Burt on June 24, 2013 at 8:01pm — No Comments

Upcoming User Group Event

Being that they're a close partner of McKesson, we wanted to do our best to get the word out about the upcoming FormFast user group meeting.  It's not every day that vendors take the time to interact with their current customer base to maximize the products they're using.  With over 800 hospital clients, you can imagine how large…


Added by McKesson Social on June 17, 2013 at 5:03pm — No Comments

The HIPAA Final Rule: What Does this Mean in Terms of System Downtime?

Over the past few years organizations have been well informed of the latest HIPAA rules. The HIPAA rules have included specifics around how to control privacy, security and overall patient safety related to electronic use of data. The newest rule, titled the Final Rule…


Added by Alexandra Casey on June 13, 2013 at 9:27am — No Comments

What to Expect with HPF Upgrade to 16.0

I am sure everyone is thinking what I am if you have ever been through an upgrade with any electronic system: what will go wrong? Nothing ever goes as planned no matter how well you are prepared. With that being said we are getting ready to upgrade to HPF 16.0 in August. So with all the skepticism I have about upgrades I am kind…


Added by Brandi Boren on May 29, 2013 at 8:08pm — 2 Comments

Why it Takes an Army, Not Just a Project Manager

In my opinion a project manager needs to be onsite and 100 percent involved OR you can have a part time project manager and a strong triad of Revenue cycle Managers, including Health Information Management, Patient Access, and Patients Accounts.  Everything dealing with the computer implementation could go…


Added by Sharon K on May 6, 2013 at 4:19pm — No Comments

How to Win Over An Anti-EMR Doctor

Electronic records and deficiencies-who would have thought it many years ago! Have you ever heard the term can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Well, I am sure we all have a few doctors that we love, but have been a doctor for so long that they will not come off of their old ways. Trying to get them to sign a…


Added by Brandi Boren on April 29, 2013 at 4:29pm — No Comments

System Failure or Network Downtime: Are You Ready?

Some things are out of our control. Of course no one wants to anticipate system or network failure. However, it’s a reality that we need to continuously and cautiously plan for. Last year Hurricane Sandy crippled the northeastern seaboard. Leaving many hospitals to deal with major flooding, electrical outages and failing…


Added by Alexandra Casey on April 15, 2013 at 10:30am — No Comments

A Few Tips on Mastering the Caregiver Master

First a little background....I work at a facility that has a different front end documentation system, and has recently purchased and is in the process of implementing Paragon financials.  Most times when you have two different products you start producing a  "Things that did not work how you thought they would” list.  But I've come to the…


Added by Paragon user-Registration Mgr on April 10, 2013 at 6:47pm — 1 Comment

How Not Having a Compatible Scanner Can Cost You Time and Money

Four years ago we went live with McKesson and with us all being new to this whole electronic system we didn’t know what to expect as far as scanners go. McKesson recommended a big Fujitsu scanner and some smaller desk top ones for indexing. We purchased a big Fujitsu scanner and another department gave us…


Added by Brandi Boren on April 3, 2013 at 5:16pm — No Comments

Return on Investment: It’s on Everyone’s Mind

Many prospects have been recently asking about what their return on investment will be, should they decide to purchase Express Connect, our interface engine.  It’s a great question, and in all honestly one I would…


Added by Alexandra Casey on April 1, 2013 at 6:02pm — No Comments

How Lack of Communication Jeopardized Our CPOE Implementation

Despite our eagerness and preparedness for our go live date for CPOE orders we were not ready at all. Once they were turned on we found lots of issues that we were not aware of that would impact us as a department and as a facility.…


Added by Brandi Boren on March 25, 2013 at 7:42pm — No Comments

Things to Consider Before Becoming a Consultant

So, you’ve been thinking about getting into consulting for a while. You have one or two areas of expertise that you have spent years in, and you’ve proven you have unique skill sets and experiences. You’ve been through enough go-lives, upgrades, migrations, optimizations, and found and corrected enough flaws in the system…


Added by McKesson Social on March 4, 2013 at 8:00pm — No Comments

McKesson Social Proudly Introduces "The Floor Plan"

McKesson Social Proudly Introduces "The Floor Plan"

While conferences are an amazing opportunity to network with companies providing McKesson integrated products, they are often times only a few days out of the year.  With the help of some well known vendors in the McKesson world, we're looking to completely redefine that experience…


Added by McKesson Social on February 27, 2013 at 4:19pm — No Comments

Tighter Integration and Collaboration Among Clinicians With Your McKesson System

Hospital CIOs face a variety of challenges in an industry that is rapidly changing and has left many wishing for major changes to happen soon. A recent Health Data Management report captured the wishes of one CIO, Michael Krouse of Ohio Health, by asking him what would be on his wish list this year;…


Added by Alexandra Casey on February 25, 2013 at 3:47pm — No Comments

What happens if your McKesson System has an outage?

Business Continuity is critical for organizations of all sizes and industries. Without business continuity, an organization will simply not be able to operate effectively, or at all, in the days following a natural or man-made disaster. While a disaster recovery solution is valuable, it does not compare to a strategy…


Added by Alexandra Casey on February 20, 2013 at 3:56pm — No Comments

McKesson Announces BetterHealth 2020 Update

Just over a year ago, we announced Better Health 2020™, McKesson’s view of the challenges and changes our customers and the industry will face throughout this decade as health reform continues. To address those challenges, we’ve focused on delivering on our current commitments while adding new solutions and capabilities that support population…


Added by McKesson Social on February 11, 2013 at 11:30pm — No Comments

How A Poor Analyst Gambles With Your Go-Live: 5 Ways To Spot Them

I'm begging you, please, don't be that guy.  You're go-live is completed and now, four months later, you're losing money and you're blaming the software.  I've been through implementations before and seen all of the moving parts--there's more to it.  So let's suspend time for a second, throw out all your preconceived notions regarding what happened and ask this one question.

If it wasn't the…


Added by McKesson Social on February 5, 2013 at 9:00am — No Comments

Looks Like We Got Someone's Attention: Clarifying Who We Are

The other day we sent out emails to a number of McKesson hospital users inviting them to check out the network.  It turns out, this generated a response from an organization (not McKesson) that was looking to further clarify who we are as a network to both current and potential members.  While our quick growth…


Added by McKesson Social on January 11, 2013 at 9:30am — No Comments

So I'm a Member, Now What?

So you've joined McKesson Social and are wondering, what happens next?  The journey has just begun.  While I want to welcome you to the network, it's more important to say that without you, this tool means nothing.  We originally created it to provide easy avenues for McKesson Users to interact with one another to share experiences and best…


Added by McKesson Social on January 8, 2013 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Strong Integration Vital as Telehealth Initiatives Gain Prominence

Telehealth concepts are expanding within the healthcare industry as organizations are faced with meeting the needs of their healthcare community and driving industry factors while being tasked with less internal resources.  Furthermore for those hospitals that are dealing with diverse geographical locations, delivering advanced, state…


Added by Alexandra Casey on December 17, 2012 at 11:30am — No Comments

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