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Hospitals today, just like any other business, often find themselves forced to meet tighter deadlines, comply with industry regulations and reporting demands with fewer personnel and resources. The main goal of any healthcare provider whether it be the…
ContinueAdded by Alexandra Casey on September 22, 2013 at 6:39pm — No Comments
For all its potential to cause administrative chaos at McKesson hospitals, the upcoming transition to ICD-10 does not have to be a nightmare for physicians. Even though under ICD-10 there will be four-times the number of diagnosis codes as exist currently in…
ContinueAdded by Sally Buta on September 16, 2013 at 5:47pm — No Comments
As I’m sure many nurses and hospital personnel can attest, downtime can be a complete headache. With focuses on increased electronic data stored in the EMR, downtime situations have the ability to turn devastating quickly.…
ContinueAdded by Alexandra Casey on September 10, 2013 at 5:58pm — No Comments
For those of us who have worked in medical records or worked for a copy service long enough we know how nice is it that we don’t have to go pull a paper chart and make copies of each page like we used to do. We have the luxury of printing right out of the computer or putting it on a CD. That is all great…
ContinueAdded by Brandi Boren on September 4, 2013 at 7:36am — No Comments