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Many prospects have been recently asking about what their return on investment will be, should they decide to purchase Express Connect, our interface engine. It’s a great question, and in all honestly one I would expect. Of course patient care is top priority for any hospital. But, like any other business, so is the bottom line.
The reality is that ROI is on everyone’s mind. It’s understandably an important aspect of any big purchase. It got me thinking. What are clients actually finding when they purchase our products? After some research I found positive feedback from many of our clients.
We had a client last year that projected over $120,000 in savings in their first year alone, by utilizing our engine to eliminate their point-to-point interface needs. We were able to reduce seven interface engines to one, and consolidate 97 point-to-point interfaces to 36 total feeds.
By implementing a scalable integration technology to bridge its healthcare systems and consolidate its complex point-to-point interface environment, we’ve created a streamlined solution that leads to increased efficiency and improved patient care, ultimately leading to increased revenue. Seems simple enough right? Then why aren’t more hospitals doing the same thing. It seems like a pretty obvious choice.
With the Summit integration toolset in place and the partnership formed, the hospital saw improved patient case with rapid access to critical clinical data. The implementation of a reliable interface engine and workflow automation scripting technology, the organization has increased efficiency across all departments. Their ability to work with one integration partner, Summit Healthcare, also helped to meet its integration and interoperability needs, and has proven to be extremely beneficial to that hospitals bottom line.
Click here to RSVP to Summit Healthcare's upcoming webinar on Tackling Interoperability and Integration for Today's CIO, Wednesday April 10th 12:00pm EDT
Alexandra Casey is the Marketing Coordinator for Summit Healthcare, a sponsor of "The Floor Plan" on Siemens Healthcare Social.
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