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Time: February 26, 2013 from 1pm to 2pm
Location: WebEx, details TBA
Event Type: drfirst
Organized By: DrFirst
Latest Activity: Jan 13, 2013
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This complimentary presentation will be used to educate and inform the McKesson Social community on how DrFirst can work together with your EHR system to create a comprehensive medication management solution. Your DrFirst host will explain how we provide RcopiaAC MedHx (medication history) and RcopiaAC DischargeRx (discharge e-prescribing) and how we function within the McKesson platform to drive clinical excellence and enhance patient safety.
Q&A will follow the presentation and attendees should anticipate the presentation lasting 30-60 minutes in duration, depending on the extent of Q&A.
Please take the time to attend and feel free to invite your colleagues and fellow McKesson users to join!
Date: Thursday November 8th at 1:00 pm ET
Host: Glenn Jones
WebEx Info TBA
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